Coronavirus is Here _That’s a reality_ How to keep your Business Rolling.

Keep your Business Rolling with Email and Mail Marketing

The Coronavirus is here (wherever here is for you).  That’s a reality that we’re talking about.  How to keep your Business Rolling even if you’re already on self-imposed quarantine that the question.

Email Marketing _ Is it worth your Time?

So if you could make  $44 dollars for every $1 you spend is it worth it?  You don’t have to be an accountant to understand that is a solid return on your investment.  Email marketing, if done right ,with a professional company who understands your goals and your market will do many POSITIVE things. One, it will establish authentic connections, trust, and authority, with those valuable buyers who are keeping your business running.   Especially true right now with all of the Coronavirus closing and cancellations and fear of public spaces.  Email is now and has always been a invaluable channel to maintain that connection with your customers.

Mail Marketing _ Is this worth the expense?

So now you have your email marketing running smoothly ,time to hire a professional to design a postcard or flyer to continue your presence in front of your customer.  Postcards with call to action on your products and/or services that you have been emailing about.  Postcards can have add ons ,such as magnet business cards or coupon cards, Loyalty cards or tickets for on-line drawing.  Postcards or flyers can also have QR codes to take customers to your website or landing page so they can learn more about your company.

When you are using both Email and Mail Marketing you can become the go to company when your target client is looking for your product/service.  As we go through this Coronavirus time let us not let lose focus of the goals and find other avenues to conduct business.